Holly Tucker

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Behind the Scenes: Dallas On Your Boots Music Video

Well, here it is! Now you've seen "Dallas On Your Boots"--maybe a couple of times! If not, that's okay, just click here and give it a view or two and a share! (Thank you, in advance.  Sharing my blog and social media posts means the world to independent artists like me!) If you're reading this I know you have questions about me and my music.  Let's see if I can answer some of those ... 

 Q: How did Dallas On Your Boots end up as a song on the Steel album?

A: This song has been special from the very beginning. It was penned by some very talented Nashville writers: Lucie Silvas, Caitlyn Smith, and Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts. My producer, Sean Neff, pitched me the song in our initial consideration process, thinking that the subject matter would be very relatable to others and perfect for my voice. He was right! I listened to it and it really grew on me.  I mean, really, who hasn't been a "Dallas" at some point in their love life.  Or, maybe you've had one too many Dallas on your own boots.  Hmmmm.  

Dallas On Your Boots is my third single released to Texas Country radio from the Steel album.


Q:  What does "Dallas On Your Boots" actually mean?

A:  In the context of the song, you'll find that Dallas does not literally mean the city itself. "Dallas" is really about baggage.  You know, the stuff from a past relationship that one just can't shake.  You know, when you believe you've moved on and there is someone you really like - you want to like - but that person from the past just keeps coming out from the dark.  The shadows.  The past.  

Who's been there?  

In the video Dallas On Your Boots we see a girl who exists only in the past of the guy who is trying to love her.   But because of that memory, the couple is likely doomed from the beginning.  In the video, my character senses that this guy - a guy she really wants to like - didn't get closure from his past relationship.  She desperately wants to be with him, but the other girl - his past - remains in the way.   He hasn't shaken the "Dallas" off of his boots.  My character isn't sure she can wait around for him until he does.  

Pretty powerful, isn't it.  Relatable.  Anyone been there? (Let me know in the comments!)


Q: In the video, which girl do you play, the "Dallas", or the "new"?

A: When we first shot Dallas On Your Boots, I played both roles.  This was done on purpose so as to leave it up to the viewers' imagination.

Personally, I relate more with the girl who is so obviously right for him.  The "new".  Maybe because I've experienced that situation.  (Hmmm more on that, perhaps for another more juicy blog).


Q: How did you like shooting the music video which requires a little, ahem, acting?

A: Music videos are always a different experience! So much is dependent upon the song! Zack Morris and Evan Kaufmann co-produced and shot Dallas On Your Boots the video in one day. FUN FACT: we shot it in Austin on 6th street, not somewhere in Dallas like you might expect.  It was fun, but serious work too. The subject matter of the song calls for a vibe of attitude and power.  I did my best as a singer/songwriter not actor to channel that.  (How'd I do? LMK in the comments please!)  But, I also had to play the other role, the "Dallas".   In doing such, I got to be a little more lighthearted with my love interest where you see him reflecting on memories of our past.  That was fun.  I found it much easier to play a light-hearted and smiling character which probably reveals more about me, Holly, than you might think.


Q: Speaking of the GUY, who is this cutie?

A: Our Dallas On Your Boots "guy" is Charles Conoly! He's a really talented actor working out of Austin and now LA. As you can probably imagine, it can be awkward trying to act like you're in love with someone you literally just met!  (Thought, um, look at him - maybe not that difficult), ha.  Charles made me feel comfortable.  He encouraged me.  He coached me.   I tried to not overthink it and just have fun.  Our on-camera chemistry came across exactly how we wanted.  FUN FACT: When it came time for me to switch roles, there was a part where my character, the "new girl",  had to kinda push her guy away.   Charles' character got this look on his face that was perfectly heartbroken.  Charles nailed it. 


Q:  Who styled you, especially those sparkly boots you're wearing?

 A:  My clothes are from Macy's, Charlotte Russe, and H&M. Jewelry is from Charming Charlie. Hair and makeup done by Mischa Fruge. My boots are designed by Jacqi Bling in Sweetwater, TX, an amazing artist whom I have been blessed to have a partnership with since my days on The Voice. The boots story in great detail... is to be continued on my next blog... 

So there you have it!

I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to share Dallas On Your Boots the video with you since May.  Have you ever bought a gift for someone months ahead of time because you feel it is "the perfect gift" and that excitement is so difficult to conceal?  That's exactly how I have felt about Dallas On Your Boots the video.   I am over the moon to finally be able to share it with you.  

Now my question for you: What do YOU think of Dallas On Your Boots the video? 

Please hit that cute little share button right below and let me know your thoughts - every single last one - in the comments below!  

XOXO, Holly